In classic fashion, the first night of 2023 was a very short one, making the 1st of January a bit of a write off apart from a load of washing here and some quick repairs there. Our broken handpump was no match for our host Zev’s handy hands and a generous blob of food grade […]
Author: Jasper Kruse
Love at first slide
Celebrating Christmas on the beach under the hot summer sun is something that feels almost counterintuitive to us Glühwein drinkers of the Northern Hemisphere, and it’s not just because of the difference in temperatures, but also the duration and intensity of the festive activities. We traditionally begin our celebrations on Christmas Eve with an elaborate […]
Let it snow!
“Fiiiieeeeett Tjoink!” the distinctly loud call of Eastern Whipbirds echoed between the tall eucalypt and fern trees, welcoming us to the fairytale-like forest of Kinglake National Park. We arrived at this magic location late in the afternoon after spending the morning exploring the Mornington Peninsula south of Melbourne, with a cable cart ride up to […]
When it rains it pours!
After disembarking the Kangaroo Island ferry we stayed a stone’s throw away, on an unpowered site in Cobbler Hill overlooking the ocean and took a little time to reflect on our adventures and concluded that we’d been having a great run so far. Apart from our COVID infection in Broome we haven’t had any issues […]
On an island in the sun
After spending such a long time continuously on the road we were in need of a break, not just for our sanity, but to catch up with some much needed household tasks, like washing all of our clothes. With them drying on the line and Piet contently playing with his cars we got stuck into […]
“Immer geradeaus…” :)
If there is one thing the Australian police love doing, it is a Random Breath Test (RBT). Two hours after leaving Bremer Bay we drove into Ravensthorpe around midday, where we were promptly greeted by two gentlemen of the law. It was hard to miss them, they were standing in the middle of the highway […]
(Semi) Grey Nomads
After spending two weeks in ‘Busso’ we felt practically local (read: we could drive to places without asking Google). Prinney had been checked, packed and was ready for her big adventure. We had seen the sights, tasted the water and caught up with people we hadn’t seen in years. We were ready to hit the […]
Brilliant Busso, a bitta Bunners and a touch of bugger!
Ever had the feeling that you needed a holiday after a holiday? That’s exactly the feeling we had when we arrived at Tracy’s in Busselton (aka Busso). After all the travelling and running around over the past few weeks and months the only thing we had on our to-do list was getting our camper trailer […]
Patience, preparations and pride
With some days to kill between purchasing and picking up our car and camper trailer, Tracy took us for a spin to Kings Park in Perth. To my astonishment we were barely out of the carpark when we discovered a Eucalypt bearing our family name: Eucalyptus kruseana… which goes to show that the botanical sciences are […]
From first to fifth gear
Sleep, watch some T20 cricket on the telly, snooze some more, take a trip to the beach to watch the sunset….and repeat! We had envisioned our trip to Broome a bit differently, but our COVID infection forced our hands. We were lucky to have such great hosts to help us through the days. We considered […]